Sunday, July 8, 2012

Constant Complainer...Don't be that

It is completely OK to complain about things that make you uncomfortable. 

But do you complain about everything or only things that make you uncomfortable?

Unfortunately, for a lot of us complaining is simply a habit than a necessity.

When we are young everything is new and we are eager to absorb it all. In adulthood, we get used to things. We avoid new things because they seem “difficult”, when in fact only by cracking “difficult” we can move forward in life. That is the only way a child can learn new things.

In many cases, we have no other choice but to take on the task on hand, no matter how difficult, and solve it. All children do just that. Only difference is that they don’t complain, they do what they have to do without complaining too much. Adults on the other hand, almost always complain more and focus less on the real task. 

Again, it is completely OK to complain about things that make you uncomfortable but it is not OK to complain about most of the things.

Complaining attracts more things to complain about. If we stop complaining about small unfortunate incidents we will avoid big unfortunate incidents. Everything we experience is a reflection of how we are feeling. 

When a small thing goes wrong, acknowledge it and appreciate it as it has warned you to immediately shift your consciousness or pattern of thinking towards gratitude. Feeling gratitude for small things will bring you more to be grateful for.

Stay away from people who complain a lot. They are like perpetrators who want you to feel sorry for them. They don’t want solution; they simply want your attention.

Know how to differentiate between a genuine complain as opposed to a plea for attention.

A genuine complaint comes out of a specific situation. It makes someone feel uncomfortable because it is out of norm. 

A person who complains constantly about everything never feels uncomfortable about what he or she went through because it is not out of norm, it is something that they always feel. It is out of a habit, not out of a situation.

Be a sympathetic ear to those who have genuine complaints. Sometimes all they need is a good listener so that they can get it off their chest. 

However, stay away from constant complainers. They will get you into the same bad habit. Make some excuses to avoid them. Shift your focus towards gratitude and love to attract happy people.

Remember that every moment in your life is too precious to please others. Live your life to the fullest. If you don’t like something change it, if you can’t change it then accept it and get over it.
Love yourself regardless of a situation. Situations go and come, love is forever…