Sunday, September 23, 2012

Unique Journey to the Whole

Image  by Chris Bourne from

It is said that real happiness lies in the journey itself and not in the destination. 

We are all on a unique journey. 

It is a journey to experience pure joy in the physical form and evolve our consciousness.

When we are born we know this but by the time we reach adulthood our environment creates the illusion for need of sufferings.

One of the reasons we forget that our journeys are unique is due to a constant pressure of 
competition. A lot of us are told that unless we are successful according to the expectations of society we are not really successful. We are not enough educated, we don’t have a great job, our friends are not good enough, we haven’t bought a house yet, we are not married yet, we are too fat or too skinny, the list is endless.

The truth is that no two journeys can ever be compared. If two trains are going to the same destination but taking different routes and reaching at different times, the trains have still fulfilled their purposes. The trains have boarded different people from different stations. Both routes are equally important for the train transportations as a whole.

Sometimes we feel depressed because we have not reached our own set goals. There is no need to suffer for this illusion of failure. 

We are part of the whole universe. The things that happen to us may seem unimportant but they are needed for our journeys so that we can evolve our consciousness. 

Never feel that you must do something to in order to be successful. You are already a success because you are part of the universe. By being born you have embarked on a journey that is needed for evolution of universal consciousness. 

Your only part is to do things that you enjoy. If you don’t have things that you enjoy then do things in a way that they give you joy. A simple way to enjoy things is to simply be aware. When you are aware of your breath your stress cannot stay and you can enjoy the present moment. 
 When you are aware of things rather than thinking about things, you cannot experience anxiety. Do things in simple ways rather than complicating them. 

Remember that you can never rush. You are never too late. You are never too early. You are not fat. You are not skinny. You are on your own unique journey.  

Don’t distress yourself for the things that happened or didn’t happen. Everything is at the perfect pace. When you interfere with this pace, you lose the peace and the joy that comes from that activity. So don’t take pressure from anyone and enjoy your journey.

Your journey is important for the whole universe.The only journey is within!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Constant Complainer...Don't be that

It is completely OK to complain about things that make you uncomfortable. 

But do you complain about everything or only things that make you uncomfortable?

Unfortunately, for a lot of us complaining is simply a habit than a necessity.

When we are young everything is new and we are eager to absorb it all. In adulthood, we get used to things. We avoid new things because they seem “difficult”, when in fact only by cracking “difficult” we can move forward in life. That is the only way a child can learn new things.

In many cases, we have no other choice but to take on the task on hand, no matter how difficult, and solve it. All children do just that. Only difference is that they don’t complain, they do what they have to do without complaining too much. Adults on the other hand, almost always complain more and focus less on the real task. 

Again, it is completely OK to complain about things that make you uncomfortable but it is not OK to complain about most of the things.

Complaining attracts more things to complain about. If we stop complaining about small unfortunate incidents we will avoid big unfortunate incidents. Everything we experience is a reflection of how we are feeling. 

When a small thing goes wrong, acknowledge it and appreciate it as it has warned you to immediately shift your consciousness or pattern of thinking towards gratitude. Feeling gratitude for small things will bring you more to be grateful for.

Stay away from people who complain a lot. They are like perpetrators who want you to feel sorry for them. They don’t want solution; they simply want your attention.

Know how to differentiate between a genuine complain as opposed to a plea for attention.

A genuine complaint comes out of a specific situation. It makes someone feel uncomfortable because it is out of norm. 

A person who complains constantly about everything never feels uncomfortable about what he or she went through because it is not out of norm, it is something that they always feel. It is out of a habit, not out of a situation.

Be a sympathetic ear to those who have genuine complaints. Sometimes all they need is a good listener so that they can get it off their chest. 

However, stay away from constant complainers. They will get you into the same bad habit. Make some excuses to avoid them. Shift your focus towards gratitude and love to attract happy people.

Remember that every moment in your life is too precious to please others. Live your life to the fullest. If you don’t like something change it, if you can’t change it then accept it and get over it.
Love yourself regardless of a situation. Situations go and come, love is forever…

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Go with the Flow

“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.” – Bruce Lee

Do you ever feel that you are “stuck” in a situation?

The only time you can ever be stuck is when you hold on to things that no longer serve you. E.g. if you love your job, you enjoy working but you if you hate your job, you feel that you are stuck in your job.

We are never stuck. It is simply an illusion. Life is constantly changing then how can we feel that anything is stuck.

The only reason we feel stuck is that even though life is moving we are refusing to move with it. We are too afraid to let go. We hold on to what we have rather than embracing the change life is bringing to us.

Life is too short to play by rules. Take control of your own life. If you don’t like your job, it does mean that you need to quit it right away but you can start looking for a new job. Using law of attraction, you can visualize what would you like to have in your current job or simply ask for a new job. It may not be very easy at first but with time and being aligned with your desires you can manifest anything.

Nothing can ever be constant, everything is always changing. The Multiverse is constantly expanding, earth keeps rotating, grass keeps growing, our bodies change, our kids grow, our hair, nails and even the smallest atoms in our cells are changing then why are you holding on to the things?

Sometimes we refuse the changes because they are uncomfortable but sometimes we refuse them simply because they are new.  So, even if something better is happening, we hate it because we are not used to it.

When a corporation implements any new computer system to automate manual process, employees hate the new system. Not because it’s bad but because it’s new. Gradually they like it but the initial reaction is almost always negative.

However, kids react differently to life changes. They love new toys. Once we buy them something new they play with it until newer toys arrive. Kids never say no to newer toys or games. Even if they play with older ones, they will still embrace the new ones with enthusiasm.

As kids, it is easier for us to learn new things not because we are young but because our brains are in constant learning mode. Everything from learning to walk to watching a new cartoon show, we are constantly facing new things. Our brain has no option but to keep up with all of it. As we grow older we are seeing the same things again and again and our brain slows down. And then it feels so stuck.

Stress is nothing but our reaction to the changes we face.  Instead of getting stressed over the things that we cannot control, we simply need to let go of those things and move on.

Lastly, never stay stuck because someone else is. If a friend is being too rigid to try new things, it is time to find a new friend who would. It may sound unkind but energy around you should stay flowing so that you can flow with life.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Do It Anyway

The hardest thing to do is to begin. We often plan things in our mind but rarely take actions. We are too consumed in daily lives of what is than what can be.

Can it be because we are lazy?
No, we are not lazy. We wake up every day even when we don’t feel like it, dress ourselves and our kids, go to work or school and come back home. By no means that can be called lazy.

I believe that real reason that we do not take actions is that deep within us lies fear. This fear stops us from doing something new or unusual because it might be scary. We feel safer where we are because at least we are familiar with the feelings.

There are two types of fear. Fear of failure and fear of success.

Fear of failure: This is a learned fear. I believe that fear of failure is learned through our parents. It is hard for adults to learn swimming because adults are more fearful of unknown situations compare to children, who are always eager to try new things.
As we grow older, we observe our parents or surrounding adults talking about failure in negative way and assume that this is a legit fear. If adults surrounding us did not respond to their failure positively we learned that it is bad to fail. Failing is not bad. Never trying is bad. Never taking a risk is bad.

When we do something we are bound to make mistakes. But taking no action is the worst mistake. We are bound to miss 100% of the chances we never we take.
Fear of success: Fear of success protects us from being in limelight. It is uneasy for many people to even receive a compliment. They are afraid that by being the focus they are attracting unwanted attention from enemies (due to our evolution process- lion eats the person who is in the front not the ones in group).

It is not easy to get rid of any of the fear and you shouldn’t. As I said, fear is here to protect us, it guides us. That feeling you get when you know you need to run away from danger is fear. It is only trying to protect you. It’s not only good thing, it is an amazing thing.

Every time we encounter fear before taking an action, we need to convince ourselves that there is no danger in doing it. E.g. at first you might be afraid to swim but under a trained instructor you can convince yourself that nothing bad can happen to you, you will always be protected by your instructor. If protection is taken care by instructor, fear can rest and you can finally take the first step in a swimming pool.
No matter how scared you feel to do something, do it anyway. People who succeed feel the same fear but they take actions anyway.

Taking the first step might be harder but once you get started you know your journey will end one day. You might fail but you might as well succeed.

No matter the outcome, taking the first step is already a victory.

Failure is only an illusion, with every failure there is one less attempt to try.

Success is also an illusion. Success is not just an award in a ceremony; it is the satisfaction you feel in your heart knowing that you had enough courage to go beyond your fears. You untangled the web of fear and through it you made a quantum leap into the web of actions.

Every action has a reaction; it is only matter of time when your seed will grow the first root. Remember root is within soil, you cannot see it until first sprout comes out but you know that it is there. Have patience.

Never ever stop taking actions because every time you start something you have changed this world just a bit.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

You are Unique, just like everyone else…

It is a human quality to judge everything. It helps us avoid danger and find safety.

This great quality often gets misused when we start judging other people to make ourselves feel better. This only means that we cannot feel better about ourselves unless others are miserable. But more importantly, it means that we judge ourselves in negative manner, by comparing ourselves to others.

Why do we judge ourselves when we cannot be danger to ourselves? It is a reflection of insecurities.

The best way to love yourself is to know that you are unique. You cannot be compared to anyone else. Your peers, siblings, colleagues, or whoever there is, they are all different in every possible way and you cannot compare yourself to them.
Very often, we say, “I haven’t achieved anything” but in fact, we have. Under the circumstances, we have done our best.

Don’t get me wrong. It does not mean that you can be lazy and think that you have done your best. Then, you must motivate yourself to do better because you want to accomplish something.
The problem arises when we say, “I haven’t achieved anything compare to XYZ who is my age or younger”.

Please do not compare yourself with anyone at all. We all come through different paths of life and respond to situations in different ways. Our response comes from our belief system. When we have positive beliefs we can respond positively but when we don’t have positive beliefs we cannot respond positively. Which is why, some people fail and some people succeed.
One of the easiest ways to love ourselves is to give up comparing. Know that everybody has different background. Everybody is unique. When you stop comparing, you stop judging. Judgmental behavior causes separation. By giving up comparison and judgments you achieve acceptance and unconditional love.

Affirmations for accepting uniqueness:

I am Unique
I see uniqueness in others
There is no comparison
I respect and value the differences in life
I love variety
Variety causes evolution so that life can be better
I am authentic
I am wonderful
I have positive beliefs
I value myself
I express myself clearly
I am worthy

Monday, May 28, 2012

When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them.

Sometimes people hurt more than they can handle… And sometimes they don’t know how to ask for help. They’re so caught up in their own pain, they end up hurting everyone around them.

— Rebecca Donovan, Barely Breathing

Sunday, May 20, 2012

One easy way to handle the stress and enjoy life

Stress is one of the major causes of illness in human beings. We must be able to handle stress effectively.

Stress is nothing but thoughts about uncertain future and the belief that there is nothing you can do make it certain. Unfortunately it is wrong to think that we are not in control of our future. Stress is simply our thoughts and non-existent reality. If we think positively then we can create a positive reality.

Every time we have worry about the future we can simply replace those worrisome thoughts to thoughts that make us feel calmer. E.g. “I will never be able to find a job that I love” becomes “my dream job is coming to me”. Then spend your thoughts imagining how does having a great job makes you feel rather than thinking about a crappy job.

I think there is one easy way to release the stress and that is being in the present moment. It is impossible for us to stop thinking. However, we can guide our thoughts into thinking the way we want our future to be. When we think about the present, we are living and thinking the same thing. We eliminate past and future and thereby free ourselves from stress from both parts.

It is not easy to stay in the present moment but it is easy to come in the present moment. Think of a time when you were in deep thinking but a doorbell or a ringtone brought you in the present moment. At that moment, you only thought of the present (the buzzing sound) but went back to future when you started wondering who it could be.
By practicing coming to present moment whenever you can, you will form a habit of staying in the present moment. My father taught me a great way to stay in the present. E.g. I would walk a whole block while repeating that I am walking. I was concentrated only on the present moment and there was no worry about the future at all.

With practice, you can start staying in the present moment. Start with small tasks as doing dishes or laundry. When you are doing dishes, pay attention to the soap and water and how it is cleaning your dishes. Observe the process with your full concentration instead of doing it mechanically. Working your way from these small tasks to important task is fairly easy. E.g. instead of saying “I am stressed out about my presentation” you will say “I am giving a presentation” there will be no further thinking and hence no stress.
By staying in the present your body will eliminate the stress that can give birth to illnesses such as heart disease, obesity and sleep disorder. Your body will not feel the pressure that it feels thinking about the future. Your brain will not have to race to think too much and you will feel relaxed.
Relaxation brings good thoughts and by Law of Attraction, you will attract good experiences.

Here are some affirmations to stay in the present moment:

This is the only moment that I can live in therefore I enjoy it completely
I am in the present moment
This is the only moment that matters
I am aware of what I am doing at this moment
I observe my surroundings at this moment
I appreciate this moment
I notice what is around me
I focus on what I am doing at this moment
I release the past and accept the future for what it was/will be
This is the only moment that I can control
I am in love with this moment because of the power it has given me
My stressing our future does not bring any solution therefore I would rather enjoy the present moment
My current positive thinking is bringing a glorious future that I am already living
I am capable of taking care of everything that comes in my way
Universe helps me abundantly

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Things that ANYONE can be grateful for, no matter the mood

When we experience too much negative, it is hard to find things to be grateful for. Unfortunately, when we think one negative thought, more of the negative thoughts and eventually negative things and experience show up.
In order to shift our focus to the positive things we must immediately start being grateful for things that matter to us. Yes, it can be hard to come up with appreciative feelings in extremely depressing environment but we need to start somewhere.
Following is the list of things for which we can ALL be grateful for. Although things can never make us happy, our appreciation of these things can.  These are things that we take for granted but never the less they have made our lives so much better.

A bed to sleep
Ability to think
Android markets
Beautiful earth
Beautiful flowers
Beautiful views
Being alive (too obvious but easily forgotten)
Bilingual people
Body that functions without our help
Cellular towers
Chairs and tables
Clothing material
Comb (Because fingers aren’t as good)
Computers, laptops
Cool apps
Credit cards (use in moderation)
Cutting board
Delicious foods
Dogs and Cats
Drawers (Seriously, where else would you put your jeans?)
Family (Parents/Siblings/Spouses)
Fire (Cooked food)
Flashlight (Safer than fire)
Food recipes
Gift wrappers
Great authors
Hair dryers
Honest people
iPhones and iPads
Lock and Keys for your doors
Mac computers
Make up and make up removers
Matchbox (It is too hard to use sticks to make a light)
Meditation (How else do you calm yourself?)
Mirror (Seriously how else can we fix ourselves?)
Modern medicines
Modern toilets
Nail polish removers
Nobody can hear our thoughts but ourselves (Otherwise we would never have been able to evolve up to this stage)
Office suite
Opposable thumbs (Ask other animals who don’t have them)
People that inspire us
Phones/Cell phones
Reading and writing ability
Search engines
Shows that make us laugh
Social networking sites
Tents for camping
Vehicles (Can’t walk too long, too far)
Youtube videos
Can you help me with some more?? Just add in the comment J