Sunday, March 25, 2012

Health Affirmations

I am very healthy
I lovingly take care of my body
Taking care of my body is a ritual not a task
I eat just enough
I know when to stop eating
I eat healthy food and beverages only
I am blessed with a great body
I am grateful to my body for letting me experience the physical world
I dress my body appropriately
I put only nourishing lotions, oil and powders on my face and body
Healthy food tastes amazing to me
I enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables
Wherever I go, fresh fruits and vegetables are always available for me
I thank the nutrients for nourishing my body
I enjoy working out
Working out is as important as brushing my teeth and taking showers
I always have plenty of time to exercise
I communicate with my body and understand the signals it gives me
I appreciate the love my cells and love them back
I am simply grateful to have this body
I take walks
I meditate frequently
It is easy for me to stay active and eat healthy
My diet is balanced
My exercise routine is balanced
I always have energy to work out
I always have energy to cook and eat fresh meals
I surround myself with people who enjoy similar healthy lifestyle
I respect my body and eating only enough rather than stuffing my little stomach
I know that my body is always trying to do the best for me therefore I take the pledge to help it in every way I can
Thanks to my healthy body, I am spiritually connected to the Universe
I am relaxed and I enjoy life to the fullest
I get great massages
I smile many times throughout the day

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why must you always trust your intuition?

Ever walk in the room full of people to feel their energy immediately? E.g.  You instantly know if the mood is light or serious. It is not by chance that we understand surroundings so quickly but thanks to our brain that absorbs data in a matter of a split second.

Our brain is always at work, even when we are asleep. Brain’s work is to protect us and it uses all the information from surroundings to give us the best possible solution under the circumstances.
This kind of power was needed in order to survive during the evolution.  

At any given point your brain is constantly gathering data from everywhere. Even a needle that fell and did not make any noise may not grab your attention but your brain has noted this action.
The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion neurons)

Research (1)  shows that the brain has about 100 million MIPS (Million computer Instructions Per Second) worth of processing power while recent super-computers only has a few million MIPS worth in processor speed.

This is the reason when you feel that something is wrong even though you cannot point it out. It is the magical work of your protective brain that is giving you clues. 

When you are in a relationship with a wrong person, your brain picks up your partner’s body language and gives you cues to leave him or her alone. However, you may continue in the relationship because you have no proof except your instinct just to find out how right you were to begin with.

Although intuition is our greatest asset, we must differentiate it from fear. 

Fear based decisions do not feel right. Let’s say you are in a relationship that feels “not right”. There can be two scenarios. One is that your intuition has picked up many cues that you cannot see with your naked eyes. Second could be the fear that he or she will break your heart just like your previous partners. When you listen to your heart with intuition, following it feels good. So, you will feel rather calm when you consider leaving them for good. When you listen to your fear, you feel uneasy when you consider leaving them. Intuition feels natural. Intuition never hurts you, it makes you feel better. Fear hurts you. 

I cannot swim and every time I touch the water to learn swimming my brain senses the danger and immediately orders other body parts to struggle to come out of it. This is just a fear.
If I have a great swim instructor, let’s say someone I trust like my father, my intuition guides me to let go of the fear.

Intuition is like a muscle, it keeps getting  stronger as you practice. 

However, if you do not use your intuition it will stop coming to you: You use it or you lose it.
Of course, our brain can perceive wrong things from its surroundings and it is our job to keep things in perspective. This is where affirmations play important role. As our brain absorbs more positive thinking through affirmations it will be more intuitive than fearful.


The above is my opinion only.   I do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. In the event you use any of the information in this column for yourself, I do not accepts responsibility for your actions.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Affirmations for intuition

I allow myself to follow my intuition
My intuition guides me to correct path
I always know what is right for me
I can easily differentiate between intuition and fear
I live my life using universal guidance
I have a strong intuition
I welcome my intuition
My intuition is always correct
I am learning to accept my intuition
I welcome my intuition freely
I respect my feelings and emotions
I know how to turn fear into success
I live my life to the fullest
I am always protected therefore I let go of fear
I accept my intelligent brain power
I know that my brain has enough information to provide me with the great intuition
I trust my intuition

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Affirmations for Forgiveness

“A team at the University of Pisa in Italy asked people to imagine forgiving someone and then observed changes in cerebral blood flow, which signaled the parts of the brain that became more active. They found that several regions "lit up," especially areas that regulate emotional responses, moral judgments, perceptions of physical pain, and decision making. By creating this kind of neural map, researcher   s hope to learn more about how forgiveness works on both a physical and a psychological level.

Read more:


I am willing to forgive
I forgive myself and others
I choose to forgive
I am able to control my emotions
As I forgive, I become free
I let go of the expectations from others
I concentrate on goodness and kindness that I experience
I create my own path
I am in control of my life
No matter who does what, I always have choice over my feelings
I respond with kindness and compassion
I have learned my lessons and accept the fact that there is nothing that I can do to change the past but my future is still in my hand and it is bright
I am easy on myself
I am easy on others
Things are acceptable even if they are not perfect

The act of forgiveness takes place in our own mind. It really has nothing to do with the other person. – Louise Hay

I let go of the past and embrace my brilliant future
I am in charge
I release myself from the negative energy that was created through the past
I love and accept myself just the way I am
I bless my choices
I become wiser every day

I forgive myself

 The Forgiveness Affirmation Video:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Affirmations for Studies and Exams

To download/print these affirmations click here

Affirmations for Studies:
I enjoy studying
I love learning new things
My brain works best when it is constantly learning
It is easy for me to learn new things
I excel in all my courses
I appreciate the knowledge that I am receiving
I am very lucky to have opportunity to study and learn
I learn quickly
My remember facts and figures easily
My concepts are getting clearer every day
I am able to study continuously for several hours
It is fun to study
Learning is part of the purpose of life
I humbly absorb the knowledge
It is easy to understand all concepts in text book
My books are best friends
Reading is fun
I read before and after my class
I have plenty of time to study
I am able to balance my studies with social life
I enjoy group as well as individual projects
I always finish my homework on time and get 100%
I am confident to ask questions if something is unclear
I have the best professors
I have the best classmates
Everybody wants me to learn and grow
I am very happy to go to school
I bless my classes with love
I always arrive on time to my classes
My efforts are always recognize positively
I am very bright and smart
I am focused
I remember everything that I read
I can concentrate easily
I know that my professors are preparing me for more than just a test
My professors favor me because I am a good student
I am in fact a good student
I pay attention in class
I ask intelligent questions
I can answer the questions that my professors ask in classroom
I am a good team player
I finish my papers on time and receive A
I am always praised for my good work

Affirmations for Exams:
I am always prepare for my exams
My exams are easy for me
I receive As in my exams
I accept the grade of A in all my classes
I have a high GPA
I am always on Dean’s List
All multiple choice questions are very easy
All essay questions are very easy to answer
I know I am getting good grades in my exams
I am focused during my exam
I remember all the answers effortlessly
I have a good memory
I bless the part of my brain that helps me remember the answer
I am a great test taker
I am relaxed while I take my exams
I bless my exams with love and accept As
I celebrate my good grades