Sunday, June 3, 2012

You are Unique, just like everyone else…

It is a human quality to judge everything. It helps us avoid danger and find safety.

This great quality often gets misused when we start judging other people to make ourselves feel better. This only means that we cannot feel better about ourselves unless others are miserable. But more importantly, it means that we judge ourselves in negative manner, by comparing ourselves to others.

Why do we judge ourselves when we cannot be danger to ourselves? It is a reflection of insecurities.

The best way to love yourself is to know that you are unique. You cannot be compared to anyone else. Your peers, siblings, colleagues, or whoever there is, they are all different in every possible way and you cannot compare yourself to them.
Very often, we say, “I haven’t achieved anything” but in fact, we have. Under the circumstances, we have done our best.

Don’t get me wrong. It does not mean that you can be lazy and think that you have done your best. Then, you must motivate yourself to do better because you want to accomplish something.
The problem arises when we say, “I haven’t achieved anything compare to XYZ who is my age or younger”.

Please do not compare yourself with anyone at all. We all come through different paths of life and respond to situations in different ways. Our response comes from our belief system. When we have positive beliefs we can respond positively but when we don’t have positive beliefs we cannot respond positively. Which is why, some people fail and some people succeed.
One of the easiest ways to love ourselves is to give up comparing. Know that everybody has different background. Everybody is unique. When you stop comparing, you stop judging. Judgmental behavior causes separation. By giving up comparison and judgments you achieve acceptance and unconditional love.

Affirmations for accepting uniqueness:

I am Unique
I see uniqueness in others
There is no comparison
I respect and value the differences in life
I love variety
Variety causes evolution so that life can be better
I am authentic
I am wonderful
I have positive beliefs
I value myself
I express myself clearly
I am worthy

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